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Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment fails in acrimonious end to legislative session

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IntroductionST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota lawmakers failed to pass a state Equal Rights Amendment that would ...

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota lawmakers failed to pass a state Equal Rights Amendment that would have enshrined protections for abortion and LGBTQ+ rights in the state Constitution as the 2024 legislative session came to an acrimonious end.

The Minnesota ERA was the one of the biggest casualties as partisan rancor, lengthy debates and filibusters were fueled by the continued participation of a Democratic senator who was arrested on a burglary charge. Democrats, who hold just a one-vote majority in the Senate, needed her vote to pass any legislation that lacked bipartisan support.

A compromise to legalize sports betting also failed to cross the finish line by the midnight Sunday deadline. So did a public infrastructure borrowing package known as a bonding bill that was supposed to be the centerpiece of the session. Neither could pass without at least some GOP support. But Republicans who said they were frozen out were unwilling to supply the votes needed for the 60% supermajorities required for new debt unless Democrats dropped the ERA. And enough Democrats were opposed to sports betting, so that some GOP votes were essential.


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